Angular Validation
AngularJS Form Validation AngularJS tin validate input data. Form Validation AngularJS offers client-side shape validation. AngularJS monitors the the world of the shape in addition to input fields (input, textarea, select), in addition to lets yous notify the user well-nigh the electrical flow state. AngularJS besides holds information well-nigh whether they guide keep been touched, or modified, or not. You tin exercise criterion HTML5 attributes to validate input, or yous tin brand your ain validation functions. Client-side validation cannot lone secure user input. Server side validation is besides necessary. Required Use the HTML5 attribute required to specify that the input land must live filled out: Example The input land is required: < form name ="myForm" > < input name ="myInput" ng-model ="myInput" required > < /form > < p > The input's valid the world is: < /p...