Stable Vcxo Performance

Technology continues to drive innovation and push system requirements across the entire landscape from from wireless networks, audio and video systems, instrumentation, automotive, and telecom and networking systems. All these electronic systems require a timing component to enable the precision clock frequency to be fine tuned so that the receiving system is in complete synchronization with the transmitting system even if it is in a different location. This timing control is achieved with a VCXO (voltage controlled oscillator).
A voltage controlled oscillator is required to operate the clock functions that control the computer processes. It is also used for transmitting electronic signals to stationary as well as wireless devices such as radios that are used for receiving and transmission purposes, modems, routers, game consoles, and televisions.
The voltage controlled oscillator is available in two categories - Differential and single-ended VCXO. The Differential VCXO provides an LVPECL or LVDS compatible, differential output. SiTime's MEMS differential VCXOs operate up to 650 MHz. The frequency stability provided by the VCXO facilitates in designing models that enhance the system's reliability and increase timing margins that result in reduced system errors with better and longer lasting reliability. The single-ended VCXO provides an LVCMOS/LVTTL compatible signal. SiTime's MEMS VCXO provides output frequencies up to 220 Mhz.
SiTime's silicon based VCXO provides better pull range and linearity compared to the existing Crystal Oscillator based VCXO. Unlike any other VCXO on the market, SiTime's MEMS VCXO provides +/-1600ppm pull range while supplying superior linearity of 0.1%. In addition, SiTime also provides a digital interface alternative to the traditional voltagecontrol. Systems can now directly interface to the VCXO. It provides simpler system designs and is pin-to-pin compatible to the industry standard quartz crystal VCXO. This large pull-range and unique pulling control enables new design opportunities and ultimately lowers system costs and improves reliability.
Today's VCXOs are meeting the increased performance demands from new applications and system evolutionary upgrades. MEMS VCXOs are playing a more significant role in these applications. In addition, MEMS VCXOs provide the unique advantage of improved reliability, and improved shock and vibration due to their all-silicon solution.


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